Monday, April 4, 2011

Hari ni English

♫ I want nobody nobody but you.. ♫ *clap2* .. comel je Dato' Siti performed malam tadi kan.. (^^,)

Jap lagi 1st paper.. English LE 4000. Subject university yg wajib diambil oleh semua student2 UIA.

Basically, paper tu ada 2 section. Jadi mengikut lecturer saya sem ni(2011), Section 1 akan di tanya tentang Passive Structures. 15 markah untuk 15 soaalan.

So macam mana nak buat? okey, Kalau Active sentences susunan ayat dia :

[Thing doing action] + [verb] + [thing receiving action]

Jadi untuk Passive :

[Thing receiving action] + [be] + [past participle of verb] + [by] + [thing doing action]

contoh active: Sakinah washed the dishes.
contoh Passive: the dishes are washed by Sakinah.

yaa.. pastinya soalan kita takkan semudah contoh itu.. jadi tips nya, kita kena kenal pasti dulu tenses ayat active yg diberi sebelum kita tukarkan dia jadi passive.

1. The movie fascinates me.
2. The movie fascinated Afiqah.(sebab tu ashik dengar dia gelak..jgn mare contoh ja;)
3. Sakinah is helping zahirah and Nurin. (sakinah mmg rajin)
4. They were cleaning the bedroom.
5. I have mailed the gift.
6. Steven Spielberg had directed the movie. ( yg cite jurassic park tu..)
7. Messi will have finished the project next month.
8. I will mail the gift.
9. I am going to make the cake
10. Guardiola can not foretell the future

1. I am fascinated by the movie. - simple present
2. Afiqah was fascinated by the movie. - simple past
3. Zahirah and Nurin are being helped by Sakinah - present continuous
4. The bedroom was being cleaned by them. - past continuous
5. The gift has been mailed by me. - present perfect
6. The movie had been directed by Steven Spielberg. - Past Perfect
7. The project will have been finished by next month.- Future Perfect
8. The gift will be mailed by me. - Future with will
9. The cake is going to be made by me. - future with going to
10. The future can not be foretold by Guardiola. - future modal can not

Untuk section 2. kita akan disuruh buat discussion. mengikut lacturer saya, kita kena buat APA citation. dah tak sempat nak bincang sebab exam pukul 3. Affikah roommate saya dah pergi dewan laa... hahaha. so kena gi jugak ni..

apa itu APA Citation? right click sini eh ----> APA Citation

Rabbi Yassir Wala tuassir Watammim bil Khair wa bika nastain, Ya Fattah Ya Alim. Ameen :)

bye2 korang :)


Amira Atiya said...

waaa, cikgu BI :D

chesakinah said...

hi myra.. hahaha.. cikgu BI tadika boleh r kot. ;)