okey.. cite Hua Mulan ni cite tahun 2009.. tp saye baru je tengok. ni bukan cite katun tau.. ni cerita china.. yg cite katun kte tengok tym kecik2 tu name dia Fa Mulan.. tu tahun 1998. Story line lebih kurang same.. kisah anak perempuan yg terpaksa keluar berperang mengantikan ayahnye yg telah tua.. cume ending dia je lain.. haaaa.. nak tahu tengok sendiri eh nanti.. cite semua kang x sronok pulak nak tengok.. kann?... hahahahaaa..
well, its a good story to watch!
Here is my Sirap Float Mulan recipe. Very easy as 1 2 3.. n 4..
Bahan2 :
sirap merah
ais ketul
air 100 plus
ice cream vanilla
Steps :
1. Tuang sirap dlm glass panjang.
2. letak ketul ais
3. tuangkan 100 plus
4. letak aiskrim vanila satu sudu dkt atas sekali.
simple dan cantik kan? kan? kan? :p
To all yg ziarah blog saye ni.. enjoy the lovely beverage! :)
"Someone once said, go too far from home, and you will lose your roots; kill too many people, and you will forget yourself. If you die in battle, your life will sink into the ground like rain and vanish without a trace. If you fall in love with someone at that moment, hope will blossom once again from the earth and embrace life with passion.
Thank you, Wentai." ~ Hua Mulan.
wahhh mcm sedap..
nk try lahh
cube la buat.. awak buat mesti lagi sedap! :)
telan air liur taw..
hahaha ;p
kecur air liur hamba dibuatnya.. >.<
wahhhhh! sedappp. esok nak buat hehe :)
nampak sedapp la awak ! :D ♥
haa... bagus2 buat eh esok.. hehehe :)
cedapnya :D
nak cubaaaa.....
aiskrim vanila??
hoho..sama cm nama blog sye..
btw..thx 4 ur tutorial
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