Wednesday, January 19, 2011

whats wrong with me??!

Argh! last night I just post stupid thing like this on fb..
why did i post them?? why??

Click pd gambar kalau nk tahu dua benda yg saye post tu... sangat tahpape kan? perlu ke post mende jiwe2 ni... seriously I dont understand my feelings! simply to impress someone?? What is wrong with me??! what was I'm thinking? do i really wish him to see my wall??! arrghh!!
even worse, i was actually plan on posting these too..

Some Day You'll Cry For Me Like I Cried For You,
Some Day You'll Miss Me Like I Missed You,
Some Day You'll Need Me Like I Needed You,
Some Day You'll Love Me But I Won't Love You

The day you finally decide to love me will be the day
after the day I have given up on chasing you

If you love me, let me know.If not, please gently let me go.

I never made the choice to stop loving you..
I just made the choice to stop hurting myself..
I am sorry but its over now!

Okey dah! kembali berpijak di bumi yg nyata.Hakikatnya.. sebab musabab minah ni merapu di fb semalam... semata-mata nk update Blog untuk hari ni.. tak caye? tak caye jugak? suka hati la kan... huuahahhahaa... ;p

up la traffic.. up laa... nak gak cash out duit nuff.. theeheee.. ;p
dush2.. (auw! jngan la pukul I.. sakit tau U! pukul iklan I takpe... tett!! :)


anys nadhilah said...

haha .updte byk2 ag aw , heee

*hit me back

Asfan Ash said...

aku suka lagu ni. lagu cte enchanted...xde dlm cte tu tp vclip dia guna cte tu. tgh layan kt itunes :P

chesakinah said...

momoy: okeys.. will do! thanks:)

Arc: owh yer ker? mane satu dr kata2 tu lirik dia eh? nanti saye g tengok vclip dia.. hehe.. thanks info. :)

.::: Princess MOMOY :::. said...

salam sakinah
momoy dah x active FB
banyak sanagt org suka mereka-reka cerita untuk jatuhkan org
rasa malas

Peristiwa itu masih menhantui diriku...

ATTENTION Kawan-kawan: Blogger Ini DIKEHENDAKI